If you could dramatically improve your singing voice and significantly elevate your performance confidence, would you want to do it?


at a WILDLY affordable price!

Explore the Keep Singing! System program,
a transformational singing program for motivated singers...

The Keep Singing! System Program

Natalie Eastman, singing
Natalie R. W. Eastman
Owner, A Higher Note LLC
Creator of the Keep Singing! System & Program

This is training for singers who want a powerful, durable, expressive voice – and would like for that to happen as quickly as possible, as affordably as possible.

In the Keep Singing! System program, we help singers...

  • Achieve as much transformation of their singing voice as they can.

  • Shorten the path and accelerate the speed of vocal development and performance confidence.

  • And do it ALL as affordably as possible at a wildly generous price!


Does this describe you...?

You already sing regularly – and you love it!

You don’t just want a passable voice. You want an amazing voice.

…Or at least you want it to be way better than it is right now.

And you don’t want to wait for 3 or 4 years of traditional weekly voice lessons to get it.

You want it quickly and you’re willing to work for it.

You’re comfortable with your computer and devices. 

You enjoy self-paced progress as well as live group events.

You want interaction with other like-minded singers, all desiring to get better.

You’d love to have the instruction and coaching of a professional singing instructor and performer.


the voice180 program is for you.

Training Components

live group coaching

This is the real gem of the Voice180 Program. Each week, we will meet as a group on Tuesday mornings at 11 AM Eastern, for weeks 1-4 of each month The 5th Tuesdays are for you to practice!
These weekly meetings will cover the following:

  • Brief review of the week's training unit.
  • Clarify anything that needs clarifying, whether from this week's unit or another week's topic.
  • Give you time to ask questions and get answers.
  • Do practice and performance hotseats and coaching. (These opportunities will be made known to the members in advance and individuals must pre-register for them, due to the nature of this kind of coaching. Hotseats will have a time limit of 5 minutes per participant, so it will be very focused, getting to the root of the issue quickly, addressing it, and overcoming obstacles to vocal and performance growth as much and as quickly as possible.

    Yes, of course all group meetings will be recorded and placed in the members-only areas; these time are truly beneficial for all to attend. Both your development and that of the other members of the group depends on everyone participating. It takes a village to raise a singer, so we encourage you to make every effort to participate in these meetings. The idea is not just to attend the meetings, but participate in them and grow everyone in the process.
  • training

    Training units covering a variety of vocal development areas from foundational to advanced (see below) will be released to you once per week. Some weeks, you'll receive an instructional video; others, it might be a downloadable PDF worksheet with instructions. Each and every unit provides you with training and assignments that move the needle for you in a significant way. Each unit works you quickly & efficiently toward your goal of maximizing all your voice can do within six months' time.

    attention and feedback

  • Hotseat opportunities will be offered for most of the weekly group meetings.
  • Any member can post a video or audio at any time inside the Facebook Group and tag Natalie on the post, requesting feedback or clarification.
  • Natalie will keep regular "Q & A" sessions and "What's In Your Way?" sessions, for which she will receive questions from members, as well as locate and reply to all posts in which she is tagged in both the FB Group and on the members-only platform. Members do not need to be present during these sessions - it's just the time she's setting aside for providing responses to individuals and the group. Everything will be recorded and available for you in the members area!

  • Feedback & Support Components


    Our online members-only area provides you with growth opportunities through journaling:

  • Log practices.
  • Journal about practices and performances.
    With the (optional) toggle of a little button on your journal entry form, you'll be able to make a journal post visible to the community or keep it private. Your instructor is also alerted when you post, so they can check in on your progress and can even send you messages and feedback.


    Want clarification on your practice and feedback on your performances? Covered. You'll be able to upload video & audio files of your performances, and even bits of your practice, for feedback, clarification, & encouragement from your instructor and fellow program-community members.


    You'll be able to stay up-to-date with instructor and community members, communicate with group members, and see all announcements, posts, & updates.

    So... Do You Want to Improve Your Singing Voice as much as possible this year?

    Perhaps You Want To Get Better At...

    Perhaps You'd Like Singing Instruction, Coaching, an Encouraging Like-Minded Community, and Performance Opportunities?

    And You Want It All to Be as Cost-Effective as Possible?

    Then You'll Want to Know about The "Keep Singing!" System Program Right Now.

    All the details are below.

    Dr. Natalie Eastman, Soprano

    Dr. Natalie Eastman

    I can help you
    and then
    KEEP SINGING for a lifetime.

    My name is Natalie Eastman of A Higher Note LLC music studio. 

    I’m currently filling a group online singing instruction and coaching program. It’s designed to shorten your path and accelerate your vocal-development progress as much as possible. If you dig in and apply, you’ll experience improvements in just a couple of months – and really big improvements in six months.

    We have launched the program, but I am currently looking for singers who want to sing better, who want to see how much transformation they can achieve in their voice, and who’d like to do it as cost-effectively as possible. 

    The normal price of the program is, frankly and honestly, extraordinarily generous.

    BUT For the month of December, I'm offering memberships at such a low price that it'll make you doubt that it's any good.

    Don't make that mistake.

    I'm making the price low this month to give people the opportunity to join - so that anyone who wants to join can join and not have to borrow money to do it.

    My dear Singer,

    If you're satisfied with your voice as it currently is
    and you are
    not interested in developing
    and for an amazingly, generously low investment...

    then please share this page with singer whose voice and performance confidence you care about, who you think might benefit from those opportunities.

    Because that's exactly what I'm offering singers in this program:

    This might be the opportunity you've been waiting for to craft the singing voice you've always wanted.

    In fact, it probably is.

    HERE'S WHY...

    Number 1




    Number 2



    AFTER DECEMBER, WHEN IT ULTIMATELY LAUNCHES, THE PRICE WILL GO TO $497/YEAR (which, honestly, is still a steal).

    Number 3




    4th, number 4



    THIS. IS. IT.


    Although you're welcome to try.

    This isn’t a “guarantee” and some kind of promise that we’ll “price-match” something you find that’s lower priced. It’s simply a statement, solely of my opinion, based on the extensive research I’ve done to compare other programs currently on offer out there. 

    I’ve spent several years and invested thousands of dollars on vocal programs online, offline, and in print/CD/mp4/mp3 forms to know…

     -what those programs include

    -how multi-faceted they are for singer development

    -what works

    -what doesn’t work

    -how much programs, tools, and resources cost 

    -what online formats are best for learning and practicing singing 

    -what formats, learning platforms, and engagement activities people enjoy most

    -and all manner of other tests.

    After all of that…

    I strongly believe that after you've seen what this opportunity involves, you'll at least agree that it's incredibly value-packed and incredibly priced. And it's all here for you to get the voice you want. Finally.

    Dear Singer,

    Do you want to sing for a lifetime?
    To have a strong, expressive, agile, powerful voice?

    To keep your voice strong, beautiful, and dependable
    despite the many vocal challenges that each of us faces with every passing decade?

    Do you want to sing right up until your parting breath?

    If so, I understand. My name is Natalie Eastman. I’m a soprano soloist and voice instructor, owner of A Higher Note LLC. Singing until I die is one of my life’s major goals. 

    But, honestly, I don’t just want to sing… I want to sing well. I want to have a voice others enjoy hearing and that I enjoy hearing, too. 

    Does that describe something in your heart, too?

    Discover How to Keep the Voice You Love (or Get the Voice You’ve Always Wanted!)
    So That You Can
    ✯ Get and keep your your best voice for life!
    ✯ Feed Your Soul
    ✯ Have a singing voice others want to hear (and that you like, too!)
    ✯ Do What You Enjoy
    ✯ Sing with power, control, range, expression, and joy!
    …until your parting breath!

    If you’re anything like me, you don’t just want to sing “okay“, to simply be tolerable.

    Instead, you want the best voice you can create! You want to surmount any and all of the vocal challenges life may bring and to connect with audiences with confidence, ease, control, and joy.

    Keep Singing! An Online Group Singing Lessons & Vocal-Coaching Program


    What’s included?

    Vocal Exercises for Many Purposes

    In your membership modules, you’ll receive immediate access to many basic exercises. On a weekly basis, you’ll receive access to additional exercises, both original and curated suggestions, that will challenge, work, and grow your voice and performance skills!

    LIVE Group Training & Coaching Sessions

    FOUR monthly live group coaching sessions, whether video or audio call format, each month. In these sessions, you hear directly from me and get to ask questions directly to me. Direct access.

    • Training Sessions on specific vocal-growth topics – 2X/month
    • What’s Holding You Back? Week – 1x/month
    • Q&A Session – 1x/month

    Instructional Video, Audio, PDF, & More

    Many of the exercises and instructions will be provided to you in video format. For your convenience, you’ll also often receive access to transcript, e-books, audio files, and other instructional helps.

    Weekly Emails That Make the Growth Process Super-Step-by-Step

    You’ll receive weekly emails outlining what you can accomplish that week. They’ll also give you encouragement & inspiration. Use these in coordination with your Checklists and Calendars for a super-charged training regimen.

    Checklists, Calendars, Transcripts, & More

    Grow in your vocal skill and ability with step-by-step instructions to get you to where you want to be vocally! No more wondering what to do next to get YOUR BEST VOICE.

    Performance Feedback from Both Your Instructor & Community

    We have TWO forums for community and personal growth: (1) our private group-coaching platform, designed specifically for delivery of the content modules, keeping you apprised of group trainings, and logging/journaling practice. For performance feedback, you can post video/audio of yourself to the private Keep Singing! Facebook Group to receive feedback and encouragement from community members and your instructor!


    The Keep Singing! program is SO MUCH MORE THAN a “recorded online course.” 

    Keep Singing! is a membership program with online instruction, yes. But the key differentiator is that KS! ALSO features LIVE COACHING –multiple times each month in addition to the coursework and the step-by-step resources and weekly emails – all for a very reasonable price.

    The Keep Singing! System program will have recorded instruction in various media types (video, audio, pdf). But what sets Keep Singing! apart from an “online course” – and what makes the price so incredible – is the LIVE GROUP COACHING & Q&A OPPORTUNITIES.

    Four times each month.

    Aside from all of the other advantages the Keep Singing! program offers, THAT LIVE TRAINING and REGULAR, DIRECT ACCESS TO YOUR INSTRUCTOR (at such an affordable price in this industry) is what makes this program stand out in the vocal-training industry and be, well, flat-out incredible.

    So you have the live group coaching opportunities four times each month as a huge feature that makes this program (and its price) incredible.

    But, you have even more resources available to you. 


    I’ve created an outstandingly thorough online-group-coaching format for singing lessons. If you want to grow your voice and keep it for life, this will be a fantastic way to do it! No, it’s not the only way – you have many options out there. But I want to let you know that I’ve been stockpiling the ideas, resources, exercises, and formats. I’ve been a member of several online membership vocal-training programs myself for several years. I’ve purchased a lot more stand-alone, one-time purchase products (video downloads, pdf’s, video courses, etc.). I’ve used each fully. I wanted not only to learn from the expertise each had to offer, but I wanted to see what they’re like; experience first-hand how they teach the material and create community (or don’t); watch how they communicate the concepts; and observe what they include, what they leave out, what they emphasize, the tone, whom they attract, etc., etc.

    I have liked most of them, not all. I really like some of them. I’ve loved a few.

    But none of them, not even the ones I’ve loved, include both the teaching AND the live group coaching – and certainly not 4 live-group-coaching opportunities every month. And certainly not for this kind of price.


    Yet, honestly, because of the combination of

    (1) the multiple-times-per-month live group trainings,
    (2) the instructional resources,
    (3) the weekly emails,
    (4) the step-by-step resources,
    (5) the online community “gathering spot” powered by CoachingGenie and
    (5) the drastic discounts on private lessons and private laser-coaching options available to you,
    it’s win-win-win, all the way around.

    Honestly, I’ve designed it to provide you with a ton of value and to create a community that truly supports the vision for each of us to sing for a lifetime and keep growing as we do it.

    • I can give lots of teaching time, one-on-many, during our live teaching and coaching meetings.
    • You can develop each aspect of your vocal skills – and do so at your own pace, on your own timetable.
    • You get to connect with other KS! members and with me in our exclusive online membership forum (not a Facebook group, but an online group-coaching membership area!).
    • This members-only area online has practice log/journaling capabilities and all manner of notifications to keep you on track and modules added monthly to keep you moving forward.
    • Yet, we also have a Facebook Group where you can post video and audio of yourself (practice or performance) so you can receive feedback and encouragement – as often as you want. And you can (and the hope is that you will) watch and listen to others’ performances and provide them with encouragement and feedback, too. Be the community you want.
    • You get to be taken by the hand with the step-by-step materials (checklists, journal) and weekly encouragement and training emails.
    • Simultaneously, it’s still sustainable for me as an instructor who’s running a business providing vocal instruction, and who is still performing from time to time, is still pursuing vocal dreams, and who has children at home.

    The bottom line: not one of us is getting any younger. And you have only one voice to love, cherish, and protect during your wild-and-wooly life.

    Isn’t it time to give your voice the attention, care, and training it needs…

    • to be able to serve you well for lifetime, throughout all of the challenges the decades bring?
    • to be enjoyable to listen to (and to hear yourself!)?
    • to feel good using it?
    • to be strong, agile, resilient, and amazing until your final breath?

    If you have taken private lessons with me – or with any other instructor, for that matter…

    then you know that this is an AMAZING offer. It’s a wild and insane offer for a business owner and singing professional. 

    If you’ve looked around at online programs…

    then you know that this is an amazing offer.

    And you can join today, right here, for that wild, insane, amazing price:

    Here is what will be included (in other words, here’s what you’re going to get!):

    • FOUR Live Online Zoom-Based Trainings each month:
      >> Live Group training on specific voice training and vocal performance topics. (You can even request that specific topics be covered!)
      >> Live “What’s in your way?” week, 1x/month
      >> Live Q&A 1x/month
    • Course Modules Covering Many of the most important Aspects of Vocal Instruction
    • A private Facebook page where you can post performances and get feedback. From time to time, I will also conduct other live, all-community meetings, such as warmup sessions or helpful topics I’m exploring at the time that are “breaking news,” so to speak.
    • A private community forum just for the AHN Keep Singing! System program members, powered by CoachingGenie. There, you can access all of the material, communicate with me via messaging or email, check in with others in the group, post links to your performance videos, receive feedback from myself and others in the community, keep a progress journal, collaborate with other members, and post videos and audio links for others enjoyment and to get feedback (optional) and encouragement, and provide feedback to others in our community.
    • Weekly emails containing encouragement, inspiration, and sometimes a little pushing to keep you moving forward, practicing, getting out there, and growing!
    • Checklists, trackers, calendars, planners, and many other tools and resources for staying on track with the exercises you learn, training you receive, practicing you accomplish, and performances you do.

    Today, you can continue, or perhaps begin, your journey of vocal development, feeding your soul and pursuing your dreams as you journey.

    Or you can also choose to let your voice stagnate because of your indecision, fear, or uncertainty.

    But remember: there is a cost to inaction:

    • You lose traction on past progress you’ve made. This is true with each passing year.
    • Your voice is one of the “use it or lose it” prospects we each face in life.
    • Your voice stagnates for an undetermined period of time.
    • Your momentum sags while you wait to get started or get back on track – some day.
    • Your practice habits flounder, flag, or never get off the ground in the first place.
    • Your dreams for your voice and performing are delayed indefinitely.
    • You let fear, indecision, worry, or uncertainty win a battle (maybe not the war, but certainly a battle).
    • Your voice slips away.
    • You end up letting indecision get you down.

    Don’t you know: I have experienced these feelings and issues too, in many areas of my life! I don’t want that for you and your voice, as much as I don’t want it for my own!

    How about together we keep singing?


    If you’re still here, but haven’t joined yet, what’s holding you back?

    Is the cost holding you back?

    If you’ve taken voice lessons any time in the last five years, you know what the basic price range is, as well as the trajectory of prices (normal: rises with inflation, popularity of the activity, what the market will bear, etc.). But if you haven’t already taken the time to look around online, I invite you to do so (do a Google/Yahoo/whatever search for “private voice lessons [your city or online]). Within about 5 minutes you’ll begin to see patterns.

    You’ll see that I’m not the lowest-priced instructor out there for private lessons and coaching. And I won’t be. Why?

    • The most important reason: because I help people move to get the results they want and achieve their goals for singing and vocal performance. Their goals may be professional, avocational, or hobby, but they’re valid goals no matter how you’d categorize them.

    But there are other reasons I am not the cheapest option among singing instructors:

    • I worked professionally as a singer for a dozen years. I learned to survive and thrive as a singer who tests her voice on a daily basis.
    • I’ve been teaching private and group voice lessons for nearly twenty-five years.
    • I trained for twenty years under some incredible teachers at great expense (sometimes while I was scraping by as a performer).
    • I’ve self-studied for thirty years.
    • As much as I can, I keep abreast of all types of research affecting vocal performance.
    • I keep current and active in a national singing teacher’s association.

    But you’ll also see that the Keep Singing! System program is in the DIRT-CHEAP RANGE FOR ALL OF THE MANY FACETS OF INSTRUCTION AND COACHING YOU GET IN THE PROGRAM.

    So, I know: voice instruction is an investment. It’s a commitment, definitely, of time, energy, mental focus, and finances.

    I’m practically eliminating the issue of finances for you with this offer.

    If you don’t want to invest those other resources – time, energy, focus – in order to get the voice you want, then NEITHER private lessons NOR this online group program are going to be a good fit for you.

    Let’s be clear: You have to be willing to put in the work to get the results you want. There is no magic wand.


    What would it be worth to you to be able to continue your voice lessons?

    Will you invest in yourself today –

    • in your vision for how you’d like to use your voice?
    • in your hopes for having a voice you can use for a lifetime?
    • in your dreams for performing joyfully, powerfully, and effectively – in such a way that you impact other people’s lives by your vocal performance?

    Don’t let another day go by.


    Natalie R. W. Eastman
    Owner, A Higher Note LLC
    Founder, Keep Singing!

    Natalie Eastman, Bio

    Under the moniker A Higher Note LLC, Natalie Eastman has enthusiastically and clearly taught people to sing, and helped singers to sing better, for 24 years. Her client list includes two Miss America contestants and many gigging artists, as well as singers who offer their voices locally in choirs, bands, weddings, music theater and other extraordinary performances.

    Dr. Eastman has performed in both leads and supporting roles, as well as in the choruses in community-theater musicals, summer-stock style musicals, and other stage performances at churches and in schools; wedding and special-events; dinner theater in D.C.; Broadway-style entertainment on the Spirit of Washington cruise ship; choral societies; The Washington Savoyards, a Gilbert & Sullivan society; community chorus; university choruses; a cappella groups; select choirs; church choirs; worship bands and acoustic worship teams; and early childhood music education (Kindermusik(TM), Musical Adventures, and Music Together(TM), including owning a Kindermusik(TM) studio for several years). Natalie has also performed as soloist for many weddings, receptions, and other events and been involved in all manner of meaningful, enjoyable – and fun – singing from early childhood throughout adulthood.

    Natalie’s vocal studies include technique and performance in both classical and contemporary method.