Another “One-Thing, Thirty-Minute Interview" in A Higher Note LLC's
Expert Interview Series!

Today's Special Guest:
Rev. Dr. Lisa Waites

Singer-Songwriter; Owner of Servant Song Music & Ministry

Lisa Waites & Guitar

Recent release: “Through All of Our Days” a Contemporary Ash Wednesday/Lent Hymn (March 2, 2022) that’s also excellent for many of life’s occasions and passages.

Lisa is also an ordained minister with thirty years of international ecumenical worship leading experience. She founded her company, Servant Song Music & Ministry, back in 1998, and she’s been encouraging and equipping people around the world through her singing, inspirational speaking, worship workshops, spiritual direction/faith-based counseling, and ministry mentoring ever since!

She isn’t willing only to sing and speak about what she believes; she is a person who truly lives her faith with universal intent, sharing her music with authenticity while simultaneously offering her listeners the kind of practical, professional worship arts advice and expertise that can transform both their lives and their congregations.

About Lisa Waites

A prolific composer and singer-songwriter, Lisa’s compositions have been heard in well over a hundred countries to date; two of her albums of original music have even been nominated for GMA Covenant awards in the “Best Album of the Year” category, in 2011 for “To Sing the Sacred” and again in 2014 for “When I Fall.”
Lisa Waites, headshot

In this interview, Lisa and I discuss...

⦿ Music-making

⦿ Giving your very best: Interaction and respect between performer and audience

⦿ Practice inspiration

⦿ Authenticity as a musician and performer (and person!)

⦿ The powerful influence of music and the musician who creates and/or delivers it

...AND you'll hear answers to questions like these (and more):

⦿ Why is choral singing so magical?

⦿ How can I motivate myself to practice?

⦿ What's the biggest thing that's shaped your formation as a singer?

⦿ How can I "get in the zone" when it comes to performing?

⦿ What's one major guiding principle you use for choosing your material and/or involvements?

View the Interview with Lisa AND Get Her Songsheet:

Lisa's ready to give YOU a copy of the music for "Through All of Our Days"!

As we discussed in the interview, Lisa is offering the A Higher Note community a free copy of the Piano-Guitar-Vocals song sheet.

Enter your name & email address below and Lisa's song will be delivered immediately to your email inbox. By entering, you'll join both Lisa's and A Higher Note's (Natalie's) email lists. You can unsubscribe any time from either.

Visit Lisa's FB Page ➠

Listen to Lisa's Music ➠

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